In my last post I described how I mounted the Orbiter v2.0 to a Kobra Max in a makeshift fashion. This time I show you how the finished mounting looks like.
Previous attempts. The ones in white worked but had the extruder dangle, the black ones failed to be mounted for various reasons.
Find the stl and Freecad file here.
An alternative is to using this is to just buy
This looks like it would work with any E3D V6 heat break, right?
After CNC Kitchen's review of the orbiter, I want to add one to my CR-10 V2. Its OEM heat break is an E3D V6 design.
It's the standard hotend coming with the Kobra Max. I think it is V6 style. The adapter mounts on a thread where there previously was a 10mm bowden coupler. If you have one of those, chances are high it should fit.
New to 3d printing and I have a Kobra 2. What is an orbiter? And is this something I should look to add to my Kobra 2?
It's an extruder, ie. the part doing the pushing on the filament. Having it close to the hotend has some advantages. If you printer already has the extruder on the print head, this mod does not make sense. If it is mounted on the side of the X-axis, it might be worth it.
I'd nevertheless first get used to your printer as is until you discover the weaknesses that you want to fix.