Getting an energy monitor that tells me how much energy I've used to the penny was a fucking terrible idea.
If you're thinking of doing this, do yourself a favour and just stick your head in the sand.
mine is unplugged and in the drawer where it will stay until spring.
If EDF thinks I can afford to heat my flat this winter, they've got another thing coming. I am not too proud to live in my fuzziest pyjamas until March
clingfilm on every window.
As long as it stops sodding raining. Yesterday was the 1st dry day for as long as I can remember. Of course its raining today
Still not cold enough for a frostfair :(
Give it a few more years of the gulf stream weakening…
It's my fault isn't it?
I am literally leaving for the UK in 12hrs in hope that the weather would be a bit warmer.