The fact that I had to come here and see someone post this from a specialist outlet like The Advocate to read about this is just shameful.
I check the news first thing when I get up in the morning and I did not see this story at all. Good luck.
Also, this part should be emphasized to show that it’s not just an issue to trans women:
The group was made up of people of all gender identities, including transgender and cisgender women alike, who displayed a pink banner in front of the women’s bathroom reading “Flush bathroom bigotry,” according to the group.
Chelsea Manning
Dang, that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time!
Honestly, Chelsea has done a generous service already. I appreciate her participation but I think she’s earned the right to fade out of notoriety and try and build a more normal private life.
The shit she was dragged through is fucking embarrassing (especially because it was done by democrats).
It’s her life, much respect to what she’s chosen to be remembered for.
Was remembering last night how much I hated kindergarten. How I considered ditching school to avoid it. I was only five.
I think it’s because it was the first time I really felt affected by the gender binary. The first time I felt segregated from my best friend because she had different body parts.
I don’t know what it’s like for cis kids, but I know it affected me a lot. And I imagine gender neutral bathrooms would have made school a lot more enjoyable for me.
Chelsea Manning? Wasn’t she jailed for life by the US military?
Chelsea Manning? The one who Obama famously pardoned as a lame duck?
Oh boy, do I have some news for you.
Did not know. Good for her!