You see, it’s only a free and legitimate election when they win. If they lose, then it has to be fraud.
They’ll solve that problem going forth by not bothering with worrying about the free or legitimate parts at all.
Has anyone tried the trickle up method?!
Better known as “a rising tide lifts all boats” or the “we all do better when we ALL do better” approach, its main distinction from trickle down is that it 100% works. Especially to improve lopsided economies/societies like the US one.
“If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”
I recently watched History Civalis’s video on the July revolution. The ultra conservatives set up a legislature where they would win 60 percent of the seats with 20 percent of the votes. They didn’t get to 50.
The GOP, the party of law and order and justice and irony
First amendment freedom! (unless we find it distasteful)
NC is so fucked. Everything that is happening is a blatant power grab by the GOP. Nothing about politics, just control.
Plus Belichick now