They/them NB
The most annoying thing about being famous is having to tell everyone how famous you are.
Also: @[email protected]
In the movie The Cheap Detective, Peter Falks character is seen repeatedly pulling random fully bartended and prepared drinks from his drawers.
At one point he is offering it to someone else and even asks them if they prefer shaker or stirred and then magically pulls out exactly what they ordered from his drawer.
Idk why but that shit made me laugh every time
This is a real thing from a real movie that was released in theaters:
I interpreted it in a few ways but mainly as a combination of making fun of Batman’s crusade against all crime and also the way a lot of people seem to think policing should be done.
In this case it’s batman beating up a teenager for stealing nail polish but that’s not too far from shooting a 12 year old for jumping a turn style.
Are you really questioning the comedy of a comic called ButtPoems?
But I want to always delete Electron Applications…
This is not an ad btw… I didn’t like the song.
CustardFist would literally never make up anything! Look at their profile! They meticulously document every aspect of their real actual life in comic form!
I don’t think it would ever be destroyed in that case since it would never hit the bottom…
Hilariously, trump wants to remove the law that says you can’t hold platforms legally at fault for their users. Once that gets repealed, this is a genuine argument. (As far as I know… I’m not a lawyer but that’s my interpretation)
If there was a point it wouldn’t be in [email protected]
At this point I wouldn’t be surprised
Notably, this is a joke.
While it isn’t obvious from just the post itself, this message was sent in reply to someone else saying that it’s stupid for any community run organizations/events to ban people for slurs and racism and such because free speech (classic).
This post is making fun of that person.
I think that’s the joke. Similarly, points are only awarded based on a prisoners dilemma and slurs are allowed but only on a pick ban basis
It’s titled FUCK YOUR LICENSE at the top so I’m guessing that it’s called FUCK YOUR
Here is the exact warning that a user had to click through in order to get to where they got:
This link was included in the post but I realize that “source” was probably not the best label for it. Updated to make it more clear.
Oh don’t worry… This data doesn’t even include the last 3 weeks