This is definitely not a Shitpost. Pick a Linux distro and advertise it for me.

(wanted something else than Ubuntu or Mint for my laptop that BinBos destroyed)

    2 years ago

    I personally don’t recommend any Arch based besides Arch and Artix. Arch is relatively easy to install nowadays and any Arch based system will have challenges that aren’t easy to solve by GUI (and many times they just aren’t fixable in any way besides CLI). An easier installer process can throw this problems in unprepared folks heads. I know that sometimes even Tech experts can be tired from the installation, but if you do everything right, you only will need to do it one time.

      2 years ago

      I know that my personal case is only one data point, but I currently manage one EndeavourOS system and one Arch Linux system and except for hardware-specific issues and things I only tried to do in one machine and not the other, I have only ever had identical problems in both. And few of those, too. EndeavourOS… endeavours… (sorry) to be as faithful to the original Arch installation process as possible, except automated and optionally also installing a graphical environment.