An Iranian girl, aged 16, has been left in a coma and is being treated in hospital under heavy security after an assault on the Tehran subway, a rights group said on Tuesday, blaming the Islamic republic's notorious morality police.
Would be real nice if this supposed Omni benevolent god came down here and kicked the shit out of his misbehaving kids. You know, like a parent is supposed to do.
Because sky daddy says women and jews are bad and we have to listen to sky daddy.
Would be real nice if this supposed Omni benevolent god came down here and kicked the shit out of his misbehaving kids. You know, like a parent is supposed to do.
I would love for skydaddy to come and punish all these extremist religious people.
Of course, we all know sky daddy is an invention for expansion of kingdoms and control of people.
Ya but God is the ultimate deadbeat parent so…
The times I feel the most of a failure as a parent is when my kids fight.
Which to me is proof that even if skydaddy were real it is totally alien in outlook to us or just doesn't care. Either way not worth bothering with.