Might be regional. I work at festivals in the UK and it's called the sound stage here.
ETA - should also add, FOH means something else at UK festivals, it's the non tech parts, so the catering are FOH, the bar is FOH, FOH staff cannot enter the soundstage.
We always called it the sound stage
Really? Sound stage has at least two other completely different meanings already
Might be regional. I work at festivals in the UK and it's called the sound stage here.
ETA - should also add, FOH means something else at UK festivals, it's the non tech parts, so the catering are FOH, the bar is FOH, FOH staff cannot enter the soundstage.
Thanks! Haha
Did you communicate with the musicians?
This message makes it sound like there's some special way to communicate with musicians, like through whale song.
I talk to them if that's what you mean?
I'm just wondering - are famous musicians good guys in real life?
Musicians are people, some I get on with, some I don't. They're just normal.