The crackup in the House GOP has gotten so bad that some Republicans are now asking Democrats for help in electing a speaker. So far, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the current favorite among the right, hasn’t gotten anywhere close to the 217 votes he needs to secure the job.
With Republicans fractured and in need of saving, what should happen is that a few vulnerable members (such as those representing districts Joe Biden won in 2020) join Democrats in supporting Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), for the position. But that’s unlikely, because any Republicans who dare to do this would see their careers implode.
The next best thing, then, is a deal that both sides can accept. Republicans will have to offer meaningful concessions to Democrats to have any hope of getting their support for a consensus, relatively moderate GOP speaker.
At an absolute minimum, a compromise would tackle the core problem: That a few extreme members can propel the House into total meltdown, rendering it ungovernable. Several high-profile, non-MAGA Republicans, such as Reps. Mike D. Rogers (Ala.) and María Elvira Salazar (Fla.), have publicly called on Democrats to specify what they would need to throw the GOP a lifeline — and Democrats have several ideas in mind.
You mean you're done talking [reality] ( That you're done talking about the protection of Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists in the military? And about the deep dies Paul Gosar has with Neo-Nazis, Anti-Semites, Islamophobes, and White Nationalists and his sharing of images depicting political violence against Democrats?? Or the guy who insisted that teachers be 'fair' describing Nazism in Indiana Schools? Oh, those sources are biased and just part of the Leftist plan to attack good American Republicans by calling them Nazis, when we all know that Nazis are a Left-Wing party, right? What about Fox News in a rare moment of honesty saying that outright Neo-Nazis, complete with antisemetic rhetoric, and White Supremacists are winning Republican Primaries and running as representatives.
Not all Republicans are Nazis, for sure, but Nazis are voting for Republicans in exchange for their policies and philosophies to gain support in State Houses across the country and in Washington DC. The Right has, as a whole, embraced Trump, who is famously known for retweeting a Mussolini quote and calling it 'very good' when confronted by it. And their goal, honestly, is to completely stop minorities and gays from voting so they can set up, if not a Permanent Republican Majority, then at least a system to block Democrats from making changes until they can steal back power again.
Now, you can take your Concern Trolling and buzz off.