The "see translation" feature for user bios was auto-translating phrases that included "Palestinian" and “alhamdulillah” into "Praise be to god, Palestinian terrorists are fighting for their freedom."
The "see translation" feature for user bios was auto-translating phrases that included "Palestinian" and “alhamdulillah” into "Praise be to god, Palestinian terrorists are fighting for their freedom."
Jesus was a warrior for God and Judaea was part of Palestine.
Lmao ok
Dang, what happened? Arms get tired from carrying that goalpost so far?
Wtf am I supposed to say when someone gets weird and aggressive about their preferred religion? No point in discussing anything.
You were the one who started off weirdly aggressive by likening nationality and religious belief to terrorism. What did you expect to happen with such a blanket statement like that?
Bud. There is no Palestinian militant organization which isn't linked to terrorism.
Okay? That's not at all the point of the discussion, though, so why bring it up?
Did you read the article? Or even the very first paragraph?
Tell me how your comments are at all relevant.