The MyPillow CEO created the devices to be able to detect and identify Wi-Fi networks at polling stations
But Kentucky officials say they could violate state law and have banned their use
Lindell has been banned from X for spreading false claims about 2020 election fraud
What a ridiculous idea. Proving that wifi exists in a polling station means nothing, and gathering the info from people’s phones is definitely a privacy violation in a vote setting. This psycho and his devices should not be allowed anywhere near where people vote in any state.
The best news from that article is how it recounts that his business is crumbling.
Did you watch the excerpts from his insane deposition? The best parts are when he laments the downfall of his stupid pillow company.
This is 19 minutes. There’s a 40 min one out there too.
Well that sure was a deposition.
Guy is full on nutter.
Well I know what I'm watching tonight now
Haha, well… just so you know, it's 40 minutes of Lindell freaking out and insulting the questioning lawyer mixed with whining. It was horrible but also the kind of spectacle from which it is difficult to look away. The court reporter refused to return for the second day.