The MyPillow CEO created the devices to be able to detect and identify Wi-Fi networks at polling stations
But Kentucky officials say they could violate state law and have banned their use
Lindell has been banned from X for spreading false claims about 2020 election fraud
Detecting WiFi, in a building where voting machines literally CANNOT connect to WiFi, proves ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Doing it in Kentucky is EVEN FUNNIER.
Donald Trump - 1,326,646 - 62.09%
Joe Biden - 772,474 - 36.15%
Mitch McConnell - 1,233,315 - 57.8%
Amy McGrath - 816,257 - 38.2%
Again, arguing about manipulation in an election Trump WON. Do they think the vote should have been 100%? Because that's not going to happen…
The wifi will activate the 5G nanocells in the "vaccinated" voters and control them to vote the wrong candidate.
It proves the presence of the unrelated thing, which they've convinced idiots that know nothing about Elections or WiFi is scary magic Vote changing beams, is present.
Too many of them believe that Wi-Fi causes cancer and that COVID was engineered to spare Jews. Our shitty public school system is intentional, keeps us dumb and scared
I really thought it was odd that, of all the states, Kentucky is the one pushing back on this