More than 70 young people were arrested on Saturday by security forces on charges of organising a gay wedding in north-east Nigeria, where such unions are criminalised and violence against the LGBT+ community is widespread.
Nigeria has been screwed over by unstable religious zealots inculcating their heads with pernicious misinformed bullcrap for decades. This is the primary example I use when explaining why I equate missionary work with slavery and abuse in every possible way. It's far more corrupt and perverse to brainwash ignorant people into sick and unjustifiable bigotry against other better human beings than it is to perform any other act of malicious intent possible. Nigeria has been lead into the deepest darkness of all - ignorance and hate and the pernicious filth of bigotry. And that's why they totally fail as a nation.
They fail as a nation because it was pieced together by British crooks for the benefit of theft, which required ethnic/political instability for it to work. The most popular religion in the south of the country was also introduced by Brits (alongside other European capitalists) for the benefit of the European capitalists. Nigeria is a completely artificial nation, nothing about it makes sense or was done for the benefit of its inhabitants.
Nigeria has been screwed over by unstable religious zealots inculcating their heads with pernicious misinformed bullcrap for decades. This is the primary example I use when explaining why I equate missionary work with slavery and abuse in every possible way. It's far more corrupt and perverse to brainwash ignorant people into sick and unjustifiable bigotry against other better human beings than it is to perform any other act of malicious intent possible. Nigeria has been lead into the deepest darkness of all - ignorance and hate and the pernicious filth of bigotry. And that's why they totally fail as a nation.
They fail as a nation because it was pieced together by British crooks for the benefit of theft, which required ethnic/political instability for it to work. The most popular religion in the south of the country was also introduced by Brits (alongside other European capitalists) for the benefit of the European capitalists. Nigeria is a completely artificial nation, nothing about it makes sense or was done for the benefit of its inhabitants.