More than 11% of the world’s more than 2,000 billionaires have run for election or become politicians, according to a study highlighting the growing power and influence of the super-wealthy.
While billionaires have had mixed success at the ballot box in the U.S., billionaires around the world have a “strong track record” of winning elections and “lean to the Right ideologically,” said the study, which is by three professors at Northwestern University.
“Billionaire politicians are a shockingly common phenomenon,” the study said. “The concentration of massive wealth in the hands of a tiny elite has understandably caused many observers to worry that the ‘super-rich have super-sized political influence.’”
That's because they have the technology to just fuck off to some private island surrounded by a private army if things get shitty.
That's why they don't fear the people anymore, they can't just be dragged from their castles and chopped to bits like the French Revolution.
You mean… technology they don't have the foggiest clue how to maintain and operate themselves? Who will be mining the precious minerals and extracting the fuels that technology requires? And if things really get that shitty, their money isn't going to be of much use to their army of private goons, is there?
Oh, they do… the fact that their first-choice in goon institutions - publicly-funded police - still exists prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt.