I think this guy gets it but is focusing in on "apart from all others." Its an exclusive absolute statement that really shouldn't be applied other than in a joking sense.
It's ok. It requires a reading and comprehension level above 5th Grade so it can be difficult for some to understand subtle nuances and phrases such as "apart from" and "the".
Doesn't make him right.
Churchill is saying that democracy is the best form of government in the quote. He is just saying it in a funny way.
I think that person gets it. Just that they are probably some tankie.
Read the quote again but slowly this time.
I think this guy gets it but is focusing in on "apart from all others." Its an exclusive absolute statement that really shouldn't be applied other than in a joking sense.
Go back to school dude, and this time stay awake during the lecture.
I did not learn that in any of my schooling lol
Damn, you guys are pretentious as hell in this thread lmao
take a break
It's ok. It requires a reading and comprehension level above 5th Grade so it can be difficult for some to understand subtle nuances and phrases such as "apart from" and "the".
Expand your mind.