Dressed uniformly in black, the protesters with Jewish Voice for Peace gathered on the pedestal shortly before 1 p.m. when they dropped massive banners with calls for a cease-fire and other slogans, such as “The Whole World Is Watching” and “Never Again for Anyone.” The group sang “Cease-fire now” and occupied the national monument for about 20 minutes before dispersing. The protest, which the group said included more than 500 people, continued on a ferry headed back to Manhattan.
You’re right.
Armed resurrection it is.
Ok, I know what you meant, but is armed resurrection regrowing a severed limb or coming back to life with a couple of AKs?
Hahaha, fuck that’s a dog pants sort of question now isn’t it.
Maybe it’s when you have just an arm left and the rest of you grows back from that arm?
Disrupt the means of production, transportation, and sales of goods. Protest by stopping rail lines, air ports, and highways. Violence won't solve anything, but messing up the flow of goods is going to put the biggest spotlight on your cause.
Violence won't solve anything, but starving people (specifically poor people) will?