I've been using Obsidian for a long time. I enjoy it and all of its extensions. However setting up the app and syncthing on all of my systems gets irritating.
Any way, after a little looking around, I found Trillium notes. It doesn't quite have all the extensions, but is easier to setup. Give it a look, see what you think
That is actually what i'm attempting to move away from. Mainly just less to install when I inevitably wipe my PC again
Also its good for work PC's where they are locked down. Don't get me wrong though, obsidian is great, just a little awkward for my current scenarios.
It sounds like you may like NixOS if you haven't tried it
See, now i'm going to have to find another PC to install that on. Lucky for me I have 2 less things to install, now my notes are hosted on my server
I've been getting around that mostly with Chocolatey and other PowerShell scripts on Windows. I'm sure the same can be done on Linux.
Are you hosting the desktop or server version of Trilium?