The virtual school says its hands are tied due to Florida's "don't say gay" law. However, the teacher has lodged a complaint against it.
The virtual school says its hands are tied due to Florida's "don't say gay" law. However, the teacher has lodged a complaint against it.
There's words that develop organically and then there's words that people make up to validate the feelings of women who would have been emos like 10 years ago. Neopronouns and titles like this are stupid and no person outside the progressive bubble will ever use them.
Organically developed, like, a community making a new word that fills a lexical need to describe a concept? Sounds a lot like "Mx." to me. What's stupid about it?
Try reading a book that's a few decades old. Language evolves. Though wonder if you read books.
"Read a book sweaty 💅💅" 🤓