Former Autistic Child here, now Autistic Adult. My public school years were the absolute worst. I had a 504 Plan and despite that, everyone ignored it except for me being able to leave class 5 minutes early to skip the passing time and get to class early. After looking into college, there was a specific guy I got to talk to for accommodations and everything was MUCH better. Recently dropped out with the hope to go into Aviation Maintenance, though I'm still waiting for approval.
Former Autistic Child here, now Autistic Adult. My public school years were the absolute worst. I had a 504 Plan and despite that, everyone ignored it except for me being able to leave class 5 minutes early to skip the passing time and get to class early. After looking into college, there was a specific guy I got to talk to for accommodations and everything was MUCH better. Recently dropped out with the hope to go into Aviation Maintenance, though I'm still waiting for approval.
Fingers crossed for you!