I’ve never been a big user, but as I’ve grown older, pot has made me pass out more than once. I took a drag off of a joint at a festival a few years ago and passed out and couldn’t be revived for 5-10 minutes. They said my blood pressure dropped dramatically. I’m wondering if this happens to anybody else
The big problem in your situation is your blood pressure dropped significantly. Maybe it was just a coincidence, maybe not, but you should definitely see a doctor and talk to them about your blood pressure and see what they have to say. Lots of reasons that can happen.
I just had a checkup and everything was fine
Did you tell them about your blood pressure dropping and passing out?
Yes, he just said it was odd and I shouldn’t do it
Then you should probably listen to your doctor and not seek a 2nd opinion from randoms on the Internet. If you look long enough you'll hear what you want to hear.