I really love the idea of reducing single use plastics in my life. What have you done to successfully reduce or eliminate it?
I am finding that there are things that I can replace stuff with but they don't tend to work as well. If I can get like 90% efficacy out of a more eco friendly replacement then I'm good, but it's been more like 50% so far.
Absolutely nothing other than voting. Any individual "reducing their plastic use" is just a drop in the ocean. The only meaningful change is through legislation or some economic situation. The only positive outcome of reducing your own plastic use is that warm and fuzzy feeling that you get from believing that you are doing something good.
However, I do not want to discredit that warm and fuzzy feeling. It brings people joy, and I think that is great.
No raindrop blames itself for the flood…
Masses of individuals each making small local changes can add up to some very significant impacts.