It's getting cold and so I'm fumbling with my phone and other devices.
I like the idea of a large screen on my forearm, but I'm not sure how it would work. Maybe it would be cool?
I see some company tried in 2014 and probably didn't get anywhere (see Arubixs Portal), and there was that infamous Kickstarter too
The hope here was that the device would work the way we want them to
So locally processed data, no tracking (unless you want to track your location intentionally) etc.
Guess under those circumstances a health tracker might be a useful thing. I’m not a huge fan of quantifying that kinda stuff, but getting a heads up for problems would be nice. Don’t give me any shit like a sleep score or whatever, just beep me if my heart is beating irregularly or something else is wrong.
But as the other guy said, I’m too much of a pessimist to believe in a gadget like that ever existing ;) There’s always gonna be data mining and companies bombarding you with bullshit and ads.