Play the winner of over 300 Game of the Year awards, now remastered for the PlayStation®5 console. Experience for the first time or relive Ellie and Abby’s s...
Remaster a game that isn't available on current platforms? Great! Wonderful. Games preservation and all that.
Remaster a game that already runs on current gen and with enhancements already? What is you doing? They could do a remaster of anything in Sony's back catalog. There are games stuck on the PS3 that need to be brought forward.
The Last of Us? More like the Last of IP. Where is Wipeout, Twisted Metal, Legend of Dragoon, SOCOM, Mag, Resistance Trilogy, Infamous? How about a 4K/120hz Bloodborne?
Remaster a game that isn't available on current platforms? Great! Wonderful. Games preservation and all that.
Remaster a game that already runs on current gen and with enhancements already? What is you doing? They could do a remaster of anything in Sony's back catalog. There are games stuck on the PS3 that need to be brought forward.
The Last of Us? More like the Last of IP. Where is Wipeout, Twisted Metal, Legend of Dragoon, SOCOM, Mag, Resistance Trilogy, Infamous? How about a 4K/120hz Bloodborne?
The Last of Us is Sony's Skyrim.
All I want is for them to acknowledge Jak and Daxter fans exist
Current Naughty Dog is not the same one from the PS2 generation, the would turn it into 'The Last of Jack and Daxter' if anything.
I imagine it’s a lot less work to remaster an already amazing game lol
Didn't it already run 60fps on PS5? What's left to do? The 8K resolution that's printed on the box? Would love to see em try that lol
Those sweet memories…
I never got to play 😢