Using uBlock Origin, you can add your own filter. This filter will block any post with the text "Elon Musk" (not case sensitive), modify as needed."/elon musk/i"))
is the element to block
returns elements where args evaluate to true
is the element with the title text
returns the element if it has the next needle, supports regex with \needle\
and remove case sensitivity with i
Read more here:
I would argue that anyone capable of dispassionately studying this subject can equally easily find that Elon Musk is not a reliable source of information (I'd dare say a liar) , eg:
I don't know whether Elon is a genius or not - but when somebody, who is proven to be somewhat creative with the truth, also claims that he is a genius - specially in the "I know more about manufacturing than anyone else alive" manner - I don't think it is unreasonable to have doubts.
The discussion was about wether he's personally involved in the design of the SpaceX rockets or not.
This is what I'm arguing against.