I’ll start. Non serious answers also welcome
Linux (Linux)
FOSS or die
Video content should have been text
Not caring a LOT about privacy makes you a non-lemmy normie
I’ll start. Non serious answers also welcome
Linux (Linux)
FOSS or die
Video content should have been text
Not caring a LOT about privacy makes you a non-lemmy normie
If a post from the Linux communities pops up on your feed, it is your duty as a Windows user to comment "wELL I dOn't HavE tHAt prOBleM bECauSE I uSe wINdOws" to stop Linux users commenting the opposite on every fucking thread about Windows
But whatever they do they should not use the word it's in their comment, or else we see something like itAಠ€'s … and thattAಠ€'s harder to read.
LolA%€d at that