All that Republican screaming about voter fraud and stolen elections can’t quite hide the fact that most cases of actual fraud seem to come from Republicans. The latest case in point: Kim Taylor, ...
This is why they accuse the Democrats of cheating to win the election. They cheated and still lost so the only explanation must be that the Democrats cheated more! (It can't possibly be that they actually lost. Nope. Not at all!)
The venn diagram between voter fraud accusators and voter fraud committers is just a fucking circle.
This is why they accuse the Democrats of cheating to win the election. They cheated and still lost so the only explanation must be that the Democrats cheated more! (It can't possibly be that they actually lost. Nope. Not at all!)
I've been saying this from the start and people called me crazy
And now when the Democrats correctly point out the cheating Republicans do, voters will say "bOtH pArtIeS tHe sAmE".