The day we took our second cat from the streets, after a long date with the vet, when we got home, he purred for hours until the next day. He still purrs like crazy for long periods, but those first two days were something different.
This boy also purred for a full day and near constantly for the days that followed when I brought him home. When I looked into it I learned that cats also purr to themselves in emotional distress, as a way to comfort themselves.
Obviously it wasn't to deal with fear as he confidently explored the new home, but being taken from the shelter by a new person into a new place surely has to leave a cat unsure and nervous about what's happening in their world.
my dude does this, then eventually he falls asleep, and sometimes starts twitching his limbs in his sleep (dreaming of catching greebles?), then idk he has the cat equivalent of a dream about stacking his skateboard and he gets jolted wide awake again, meowing wondering wtf happened
boy cats hit different
Yeah, I have a boy cat that looks just like yours. I wish he would do things like this.
It's taken years for him to get this comfortable. He hasn't gone fully relaxed with anyone but me, or even when other people are around. He'll sit on anyone's lap and is fine being picked up by whoever, but in my arms, when alone and provided he's in the mood for it (which happens every few weeks), he just completely melts. He comes over and finds a spot on me, goes fully limp and purrs his heart out.
I definitely lucked out, this boy clearly always wanted to be this kind of cat, he's always interested in people, it just takes a very long time to for him fully let his guard down with a person.
He sounds like a Cat version of myself. I already love him.