I am managing. Just frustrated as I see no way out of my predicament.
Wishing for my death or a World War. Either will do. Because FML or this world.
I am managing. Just frustrated as I see no way out of my predicament.
this is why I would rather die. My life is not worth living. Not having a job sucks. Having a job sucks. Being fucking lonely sucks. Not being able to make friends sucks. In short, being me sucks ass. It’s all because of borderline personality disorder. Therapy helps, but it doesn’t solve the problem of this world being an absolute dick to everyone.
I am made of red flags. I am working on getting rid of them. Why do people reject me? It could be because I am ugly and made of red flags.
I remember it. It was such a wholesome thing too.
But with a more powerful engine, the wait will have more power.
Just how far up his own ass is this guy?
Smoking cigarettes for health benefits is like messing with an angry bear, so that you can have a jog.
Naked from the Waist-down Spider-Man isn’t real… Naked from the Waist-down Spider-Man isn’t real… Naked from the Waist-down Spider-Man isn’t real… Naked from the Waist-down Spider-Man isn’t real…
Sometimes, the point is not to challenge, but to provide better alternatives. At least I think so.
I see this as win-win. No mosquitoes and many cats.
AI was supposed to help us do things we couldn’t do. Not do things that we could already do worse.
"And I, too, felt ready to start life all over again. It was as if that great rush of anger had washed me clean, emptied me of hope, and, gazing up at the dark sky spangled with its signs and stars, for the first time, the first, I laid my heart open to the benign indifference of the universe.” this quote by Camus in “The Stranger” always get me. Points out the absurdism of searching for a meaning in this vast, complex and more importantly indifferent universe.
Of course, Nietzsche felt different. He thought we still had an obligation to do great.
To me personally, taoism seems to provide a happy middle ground. Do what you can, try what you want. In the end success or failure brings some pros and some cons. Life is all about navigating the water current. Sometimes, you take control and other times you let the water carry you. It is all about knowing when to do either.
Nietzsche particularly said that we should all strive to be the best versions of ourselves, something he called “uber-mensch” an idea, which I believe was hijacked by Nazis.
He was a nihilist, but he also urged everyone to create their own values and follow it to be the best you can be. But, then he was also a disgusting sexist. People are complicated.
I wish this would bring about a welcome change. But, that would be naive-
Repeat after me: healthcare should not be profit driven…
This just shows that Sony has lost the plot. They discontinue vita because people have phones and don’t need handhelds. Now with success of steam deck and switch they want a new psp.
You don’t need condoms for jerking off like me.
Those squirrels don’t stand a chance now.
I got this message too.