Is the nvidia shield TV still the go-to box for streaming content to your TV?
I don't really need much, just something that can pick up jellyfin. hulu/HBO/etc. is a bonus
Is the nvidia shield TV still the go-to box for streaming content to your TV?
I don't really need much, just something that can pick up jellyfin. hulu/HBO/etc. is a bonus
A RaspberryPi with a Flirc case is silent
What os/frontend would you recommend?
I use LibreELEC, it's great.
FYI everyone here is going to recommend running stuff to stream your own self-hosted pirated content.
If you're looking for something to stream Netflix, HBO, Disney, etc., forget it. Just run that shit in the browser. And even that will only be half-assed unless you go out of your way to install an invasive browser like Edge that supports their shitty DRM.
They could add the popular streaming services to Kodi and log in.
Edit: Well they say the steaming services are a bonus but the focus is Jellyfin. Does Kodi have an integration with Jellyfin?
Yes and yes.
Firefox supports the DRM and has for awhile.