I'm trying to de-Google my life and self-host more. One tricky point with me is calendaring. I can get a CalDav server running and syncing with my Android phone without much hassle, but I haven't yet found a server or client that can send e-mail reminders for events, rather than just pop-up notifications.
I've been told to try Nextcloud. I tried installing it but it's overkill for me, and I don't want to deal with setting up a domain. Surely there can't be exactly one CalDav option that can send email reminders. But I've never heard anyone say anything other than "Nextcloud."
You don't need to get it set up with your domain. All you need is the IP address of the machine it's running on; either local or Tailscale address. Just type it into the browser URL bar. I.e. is a valid URL.
Now, obviously you'd want to have the ability to do things like type a human readable domain name and have SSL certificates but they're not technically necessary. Until I found the time to set up my reverse proxy, I used my Paperless using a bookmark to the IP address and port.
Pointing your domain at a Tailscale address is pretty simple, you just need to add an A record wherever your domain's DNS zone is configured which points at the IP address (e.g.