Since a lot of women have started to call their female friends "girlfriends", I have to wonder how women with actual girlfriends have been dealing with this lol
Since a lot of women have started to call their female friends "girlfriends", I have to wonder how women with actual girlfriends have been dealing with this lol
I heard that violently frenching in front of them would clear any misunderstanding, nuance or misinterpretation.
"Nope, Mildred, those ain't gals pals, for sure"
Unfortunately it will just get us sexually harassed or disowned depending on the audience
Does a casual "nice" count as sexual harassment?
It definitely will make me feel uncomfortable shoeing romantic affection towards my partner in front of you in the future
Thanks for the input, honestly didnt expect a serious response.
I asked because my family is really weird. We're very… open? Sexual jokes are very common 'round these parts
Yeah there are people who can pull it off, but because many men fetishize sapphicism it’s uncomfortable in general, especially since men do absolutely nothing for me and I’ve had guys get really brazen with hitting on me when they see me do gay stuff.
So yeah if there’s no doubt in my mind it’s a “get it girl” style nice, I’m cool with it but that’s a hard bar to cross.