BRUSSELS — As the investigation into damage to Baltic Sea critical infrastructure continues, Finland's Minister of European Affairs Anders Adlercreutz said it’s hard to believe sabotage to the undersea gas pipeline was accidental — or that it happened without Beijing’s knowledge.
“I'm not the sea captain. But I would think that you would notice that you're dragging an anchor behind you for hundreds of kilometers,” Adlercreutz said in an interview Thursday in Brussels. “I think everything indicates that it was intentional. But of course, so far, nobody has admitted to it.”
China want a war that they can't win? I really don't see the master plan of China behind that or why someone with Chinese roots would do it on their own agenda…
Really interesting how the NATO will respond to that if this turns out to be a direct sabotage by the China and what the reason of that could look like.
Delusional, like Putin. Also, they blew up this whole ballon posturing as a superpower, their national pride is dependent on it. Of course, it will pop one day, but now they are too committed to turn back
Tankies hate the West. Psychotic nationalists are capable of all sorts of dumb.
NATO? absolutely nothing, too worried about nuclear war, they will say "wtf don't do that next time" and move on with their day