This makes me 😭
UPDATE: Thanks @[email protected] for this update: The issue has now been commented on and was closed by the maintainer, where they explained why those blocks would be nonsense. But it appears the OP wants to still talk with maintainer privately about it.
Funny, considering I've moved over to a paid proton account as my primary email, and my former primary email/Gmail account, with its ability to instantly become infinitely many disposable email addresses, is now used as exactly that. This same procedure occured many years ago, when I made my yahoo email into the disposable junk mail home, and my shiny new Gmail became my primary. I wonder how many years it be until proton becomes my disposable, and some as-of-yet to be created service becomes my new primary email. Or maybe email will finally be dead by then, and we'll use something else entirely.
I will say, even after all of these years, and using the living shit out of my Gmail account in many, many places, I still only get two or three spam emails at most during the entire year.
No, you very likely get way more than that, they're just filtered out.
This. I get tons, but almost none of them actually hit my inbox.
Wouldn't OP see them in the Spam folder? If they say they get 2 spam messages they probably mean that.
Yep, mail to the spam folder is what I mean.
fr I deleted like 70,000 emails over this past week so you know this guy is lying to seem cool.
Same, gmail now means garbage mail and only acts as a filter for my Protonmail now.