Hey ChatGPT. I need you to walk through a for loop for me. Every time the loop completes I want you to say completed. I need the for loop to iterate off of a variable, n. I need the for loop to have an exit condition of n+1.
Interesting. The code format doesn't work on Kbin.
Indent the lines of the code block with four spaces on each line. The backtick version is for short inline snippets. It's a Markdown thing that's not well communicated yet in the editor.
Eternity. Infinity. Continue until 1==2
Hey ChatGPT. I need you to walk through a for loop for me. Every time the loop completes I want you to say completed. I need the for loop to iterate off of a variable, n. I need the for loop to have an exit condition of n+1.
Didn't work. Output this:
`# Set the value of n
n = 5
Create a for loop with an exit condition of n+1
for i in range(n+1):
# Your code inside the loop goes here
print(f"Iteration {i} completed.")
This line will be executed after the loop is done
print("Loop finished.")`
Interesting. The code format doesn't work on Kbin.
Indent the lines of the code block with four spaces on each line. The backtick version is for short inline snippets. It's a Markdown thing that's not well communicated yet in the editor.
I think I fucked up the exit condition. It was supposed to create an infinite loops as it increments n, but always needs 1 more to exit.
What if you just told it to exit on n = -1? If it only increments n, it should also go on forever (or, hell, just try a really big number for n)
That might work if it doesn't attempt to correct it to something that makes sense. Worth a try tbh.
You need to put back ticks around your code `like this`. The four space thing doesn't work for a lot of clients
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