Filmmaker and entrepreneur Tyler Perry is a billionaire. His Atlanta studios receive massive tax write-offs, premised on the idea that his success will inspire others. If that sounds familiar, it’s because it’s a liberal version of trickle-down economics.
He's not an exception, you utter buffoon, he's the rule! 🤦
One of these days I'm gonna learn to just leave it alone when I see your username or just block your Dunning Kruger poster boy ass. This is somewhere between the 3rd and 5th argument we've had in the last 5 or so months and you've been arrogantly obtuse every single time 😮💨
Well I guess not everyone is good with money, but this is hardly an exception that invalidates anything.
He's not an exception, you utter buffoon, he's the rule! 🤦
One of these days I'm gonna learn to just leave it alone when I see your username or just block your Dunning Kruger poster boy ass. This is somewhere between the 3rd and 5th argument we've had in the last 5 or so months and you've been arrogantly obtuse every single time 😮💨
Go nuts man