Nice attempt at distracting from the issue - the tail effects from the GHGs already emitted is enough to change life as we know it.
CO2 is also not the end-all-be-all of climate change - we have huge methane emissions coming from melting permafrost, oceans, and icebergs that are 80-87x as damaging (ton-for-ton) than CO2.
Things are changing. It just takes time. We're pretty much at peak carbon by all indications.
Nice attempt at distracting from the issue - the tail effects from the GHGs already emitted is enough to change life as we know it.
CO2 is also not the end-all-be-all of climate change - we have huge methane emissions coming from melting permafrost, oceans, and icebergs that are 80-87x as damaging (ton-for-ton) than CO2.
IEA Methane - Melting fire-ice: Study finds climate change can cause methane to be released from the deep ocean