One of my favorite YouTube game critics explores every single Fallout game and their place within a collective idea of what the franchise has been and currently is.
One of my favorite YouTube game critics explores every single Fallout game and their place within a collective idea of what the franchise has been and currently is.
Constable, did you in fact watch all 9.5hrs?
Lol, I am in fact at the 7h 22m mark. I jump in and out when I'm washing dishes, exercising, etc.
More than I expected. I appreciate your honesty. How is it thus far? Any highlights?
I'm not terribly familiar with the franchise personally. I had twice tried and failed to get into Fallout 3 back when it was released, and I've seen a video or two elsewhere (I think Hbomberguy did a video on a couple of the games a while back).
This video goes through every single game in the series (including Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel) sequentially, starting with the main game and then each expansion/DLC. He talks about story and gameplay, but also about the stories of their productions, the various influences that inspired the general feel of the universe, successes and failures, and how the identity of the series shifted as it changed hands.
So to answer your question, the highlight is that I feel like a certified expert without ever having really played any of the games. It's also just ultimately 9.5 hours (7.5 confirmed) of high quality critical content.
Ahhh, now I see. That makes sense. Thanks for the video!