Hey guys, I'm new to self-hosting; I'm trying to set up cloud storage to store pics and other content. However, I’m unsure whether to use my old computer, Buy NAS or ResberryPie to set up a home server.
Also, what is the best privacy-friendly OS to use with the home server?
Lastly, do’s and don’ts.
Any help would be appreciated (:
Old think pads can be had for dirt cheap on eBay, you've essentially got a little server you can hide anywhere, you don't have the keep the lid open (disable sleep on lid close, you can hide it wherever you want now) , ANDmost importantly it has it's own little integrated UPS :)
Ya know what… That's actually a really good idea 😅😎
Good one. And Lenovo battery management utility allows setting the state of charge level. Set it for 50% and the battery will last mostly forever.