Bc when entire infra teams rely on your service to operate, and orgs depend on infra, you can charge for that service bc orgs have to pay it, or degrade to cheaper, less robust alternatives - which do exist
They're pretty good, they're better, but they're not that much better than Splunk or Elasticsearch (especially the value with Elasticsearch community) I admit elasticsearch gets pricey if you go corporate.
But Splunk, they're like 80% of the product at 20% of the price
Bc when entire infra teams rely on your service to operate, and orgs depend on infra, you can charge for that service bc orgs have to pay it, or degrade to cheaper, less robust alternatives - which do exist
Best in class cost $$$
They're pretty good, they're better, but they're not that much better than Splunk or Elasticsearch (especially the value with Elasticsearch community) I admit elasticsearch gets pricey if you go corporate.
But Splunk, they're like 80% of the product at 20% of the price
New Relic is better. Datadog sucks by comparison.