[Mortgage Is 'Just A Fancy Bullsh*t Word For Paying Rent For 30 Years To The Bank,' Says Real Estate Billionaire Grant Cardone — Here's Why Renting Could Be A Better Financial Move
Bought around 7 years ago as well, got told the same things. I said I was taking a bit of a cost hit now to lower my costs in the long term because my mortgage payments will never go up the way my rent payments were.
Fuck me I had no idea things would get this bad, and boy am I glad I got into a home when I did. It really shouldn't cost that much to rent, this shit is absurd.
I agree that it's better to own for 95% of the cases, but some of these people talking about renting being best might have been through the '08 crash. With China having their own financial crisis, we could be in a bubble because they invested a lot in US real estate. If your underwater in your mortgage (your mortgage is higher than it's worth), you do feel like you're drowning.
I'm not trying to scare anyone, but there is no guarantee that anything stays the same. I also hope people who are buying for the first time understand the different types of loans and they should 99% of the time want a fixed rate.