Mental health care is also often just excluded from coverage. My current job is the first time in my life I've had insurance that would cover therapy rather than be like "Look, we gave you one 60 minute session with our free crisis line, what more do you want? If you really need it, it's only $450 a session if it's that important."
We have a single wait-list if none are available. They email you when there's an opening at a PCP in the area, and you can veto or lemon-law two offers before you have to go around again.
I haven't really tested the limits on it, but so far at least one therapy session a week. Haven't needed any inpatient care or anything beyond this, thus far, so I can't comment on that.
Mental health care is also often just excluded from coverage. My current job is the first time in my life I've had insurance that would cover therapy rather than be like "Look, we gave you one 60 minute session with our free crisis line, what more do you want? If you really need it, it's only $450 a session if it's that important."
I had to call thirteen different therapy offices before I found one that could take me before summer.
Of course, my health insurance website showed them all as "Accepting New Patients"
Maybe there was an asterisk and really tiny font stating "Eventually".
We have a single wait-list if none are available. They email you when there's an opening at a PCP in the area, and you can veto or lemon-law two offers before you have to go around again.
How many mh visits does your policy cover?
I haven't really tested the limits on it, but so far at least one therapy session a week. Haven't needed any inpatient care or anything beyond this, thus far, so I can't comment on that.
That’s wonderful, I’m so glad you’re getting what you need!