By doing that you're wasting bandwidth on all the CDNs that hosts ALL your filter lists. Updating the Quick fixes list should be enough. (Which updates every 5 hours automatically on uBO 1.54).
How to manually update Quick Fixes (Manual updates push back automatic updates.)
Click 🛡️ uBO's icon
the ⚙ Dashboard button
the Filter lists pane
the 🕘 clock icon next to the uBlock filters – Quick fixes list
How often should I manually update filter lists? Can I somehow automate this?
YouTube filters are in a list named uBlock filters - Quick fixes. The list updates every 12 hours. It's the only list you might need to update - only if this page says it's fixed, but you're getting the message.
If you're not getting detected. Don't update.
Current estimated cost for just ONE of uBO's CDNs: HERE. This is with other lists updating every few days.
uBO's not a company, it's a volunteer project using free services, which have limits that we cannot cross.
By doing that you're wasting bandwidth on all the CDNs that hosts ALL your filter lists. Updating the Quick fixes list should be enough. (Which updates every 5 hours automatically on uBO 1.54).
How to manually update Quick Fixes (Manual updates push back automatic updates.)
mate, that won't even scratch a single server's bandwidth, much less that of a CDN.
@[email protected] is right, the following FAQ is from the uBO's YouTube Mega Thread on reddit.
completely different scenario from a manual purge though