If this isn't supposed to be here, feel free to delete. I've never tasted this, but it looks so good. It came across my youtbe feed. A search for ufo korea gives a lot of videos on how to make it at home which I'm going to try.
If this isn't supposed to be here, feel free to delete. I've never tasted this, but it looks so good. It came across my youtbe feed. A search for ufo korea gives a lot of videos on how to make it at home which I'm going to try.
Hawaii did it first with the Toas-tite.
I'm sure there is lineage of this uncrustable type of sandwich that predates the Toas-tite.
Doesn't mean I don't want to eat it.
Is this it? That's some old timey advertising, lol. https://toastite.biz/