Worth noting that the court found that this was not technically a hate crime because this girl was on a shortlist of a handful of different students they were conspiring to murder. She was unlucky enough to be the first person to respond to their request to meet that day.
You could probably argue that she was more likely to be on the shortlist because of the perpetrator's transphobia but they had documented plans to murder cis students in their class too.
It is curious. They explained a bit of the court's reasoning on the news here in the UK. The police had access to all of their chats/communications and apparently there was no transphobia mixed in with their plans for cold blooded murder.
Worth noting that the court found that this was not technically a hate crime because this girl was on a shortlist of a handful of different students they were conspiring to murder. She was unlucky enough to be the first person to respond to their request to meet that day.
You could probably argue that she was more likely to be on the shortlist because of the perpetrator's transphobia but they had documented plans to murder cis students in their class too.
Interesting. Now if you want to avoid hate crime penalties, just pretend unprotected groups are part of your scheme.
It is curious. They explained a bit of the court's reasoning on the news here in the UK. The police had access to all of their chats/communications and apparently there was no transphobia mixed in with their plans for cold blooded murder.