Not looking for pity. But if you are having an awful December holiday, you aren't alone. This may be a chance to unload. I'll start.
My apt was flooded with rain 4 days ago, at ground level. For 4 days, my studio apt, carpet has been soaking wet, footsteps squishing, like stepping in a puddle. Property management wont do anything, hope I can talk sense into them before the floorboards rot and cave in.
You? It's OK, you're not alone.
The bf has had a load of tests over the past fortnight as he has a mass on his lung, we get the results on the 27th
I don't like Christmas anyway, and the fact that 5 years ago we were waiting again, over Christmas for my brothers cancer diagnosis, which turned out to be terminal…so it's already a shitty time of year.
If I didn't have my parents, me and the bloke would just stay at home, have poached eggs on toast and not bother with any of it…