LED light bulbs are the future. They're better for the environment and the pocket book. But for some people, certain LEDs lights — particularly holiday lights—are also a problem. They flicker in a way that causes headaches, nausea and other discomfort. Today, we visit the "Flicker Queen" to learn why LEDs flicker — and what you can do about it.Wondering about other quirks of lighting and engineering? Email us at
[email protected] – we might cover it on a future episode!
LCD monitors don't flicker at their refresh rate. It simply updates the graphics on the panel per frame at an imperceptible speed. The backlight has nothing to do with the refresh, either.
This isn't true for all of them. Some have a backlight strobing feature that flashes the display at their current refresh rate to reduce motion blur. It makes the strobing much worse at lower refresh rates, though.