Could the sweetened drinks we're consuming be making us feel a little more anxious? A 2022 study looking at the effects of the artificial sweetener aspartame on mice suggests that it's a possibility that's worth investigating further.
I just clicked twice to find the article title, and don't have time today to actually read through it… but it could be any number of things, including too early in the investigation to know, but we'll have to read it to find out! :-D
Edit: okay so I did look (free full text here), and they don't seem to know so precisely, except it transmits to grandchildren via the father, so like it could not be microbiome, it must be something in the sperm (even if something else also happens in the eggs too).
So they're saying that it's epigenetically transmitted? That's interesting. What mechanism are they suggesting?
I just clicked twice to find the article title, and don't have time today to actually read through it… but it could be any number of things, including too early in the investigation to know, but we'll have to read it to find out! :-D
Edit: okay so I did look (free full text here), and they don't seem to know so precisely, except it transmits to grandchildren via the father, so like it could not be microbiome, it must be something in the sperm (even if something else also happens in the eggs too).
Interesting way to confirm epigenetic transfer, by only studying males lineage.