I tried earlier today and I had no luck actually getting an instance running
It would help if the explanation was specific to a raspberry pi
I tried earlier today and I had no luck actually getting an instance running
It would help if the explanation was specific to a raspberry pi
And what exactly happens?
I've replied to a different comment in this thread about what happened already
I don't see anything like that in this thread. If you want people's help, help them help you and provide sufficient information about your problem.
This it should be no issue for you to copy and paste that answer in our conversation.
Lol. It should also be no issue for you to find the comment and read their answer
They're asking for quite detailed help for a reasonably difficult project, the least they can do is supply all the info to the people trying to help.
If I'm supposed to be reading that top comment I don't see where you state what your results were. You apparently "had errrors" but neglected to note any down and now "you don't" have errors.