Just 60% of student loan borrowers made a payment when the bills resumed in October. "This is, in essence, a massive student debt strike," one activist said.
Good. I recall deferring a few payments over a decade ago and they were pretty adamant about telling me the deferred interest would be added to the principal/capital(?). Definitely not my field of expertise.
It's all such a shit show. I live near a state university town and I have a hard time arguing for student loan relief. They paid theirs off… I feel like it's not about us or any individual. At some level, a large part of our tax base is being bled dry.
Good. I recall deferring a few payments over a decade ago and they were pretty adamant about telling me the deferred interest would be added to the principal/capital(?). Definitely not my field of expertise.
It's all such a shit show. I live near a state university town and I have a hard time arguing for student loan relief. They paid theirs off… I feel like it's not about us or any individual. At some level, a large part of our tax base is being bled dry.
Argh. Cheers, yo