We’re really excited for this release :)

Community quick switcher

You can now easily switch between communities and even search for new ones - all without leaving the feed! Just tap the header of any post feed.

Revamped gallery

The gallery component was given some TLC and is now enabled on the feed! (No needing to tap into a post to zoom an image!) You can even upvote, reply, comment and share from the gallery itself!

If you run Android, the gallery now respects your back button :)

This is just the start of what I personally want the gallery to do, so keep an eye out for more improvements around here!


  • IntDimensionalTravel@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    This is bloody amazing! Just wanted to share a slight bug I’ve noticed on iOS - when you tap the quick switch header, the keyboard does not show on screen which makes the search unusable. Not sure if it’s just me or if others have the same issue.

    Regardless though, you guys rock and I can’t believe how well done this web app is!